SET SAIL在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary

to begin a boat journey: set sail from We set sail from Kuwait. set sail for They set sail for France. The vessel was repaired and …

set sail是一个英语短语,意思是启航,扬帆,起航,起锚. 爱词霸在线词典提供了set sail的音标,读音,例句,同义词,反义词,行业词典等英语服务. 查看set sail的中 …

他們啓航駛往法國。. The vessel was repaired and scheduled to set sail again later in the month. The first two boats set sail across …

必应词典为您提供set sail的释义,na. 张帆;开船; 网络释义: 启航;起航;扬帆;

'set sail' 的定义. set sail in British English. a. to embark on a voyage by ship. b. to hoist sail. See full dictionary entry for sail. Collins …

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